So much awesomeness

So there’s a couple of really awesome things coming up!

First off! I’m speaking next Tuesday night at the Genderbridge meeting about trans webcomics. Basically I’m gonna be chatting to people about why webcomics are awesome, how I got started and what making comics means to me, and what other webcomics are out there for and by trans people. So, yeh, if you’re in Auckland come along! Deets are as above, or you can visit the facebook page.

Also, I wrote a comic for Funtime Comics’ Darkest Day Earthquake Relief Comic – and you can now buy it online off the website or click here for a list of other places to get it. All proceeds go to the NZ Red Cross, towards the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.

And finally, DUD: Volume 2 is going to be launched in Dunedin at the start of May. More details to come soon! YAY!

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